Is your closet overflowing with clothes, but you still feel like you have nothing to wear? It might be time to purge some items that are no longer doing it for you! Closet purging is a great way to get rid of old clothes and create space for new ones. Not sure where to start? Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you purge your closet and create a more organized and functional wardrobe:
Does it fit?
I think this might be the easiest question to answer and makes it pretty clear-cut if you should toss or keep an item. If it doesn’t fit, you do not need it taking up space in your closet! I would also suggest not keeping things that you hope fit someday. Stick to a wardrobe that you love right now and make adjustments when you need to.
When was the last time you wore it?
If it’s been a while… maybe it’s time to let it go. If you’re not getting regular use out of your clothing then it might be better to donate it.
Would you repurchase the item now?
When you’re deciding what to keep and what to donate, ask yourself whether you would repurchase the item now if you saw it in a store. If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.
Do you feel confident while wearing this?
Sort your clothes into three piles to make the process easier: keep, donate, and maybe. Clothes that you wear frequently and fit well should go in the “keep” pile. Clothing that you haven’t worn in a year or more, that doesn’t fit well, or that you don’t like should go in the “donate” pile. The “maybe” pile should contain clothes that you’re not sure about – items that you might wear if the occasion arose or that you have an emotional attachment to. The “maybe” pile can be tricky – it’s easy to get emotionally attached to clothes that you don’t really need or want. If you’re not sure about an item, try it on and see how it makes you feel. If you love it, keep it. If not, donate it.
Does it go with other things already in your closet?
When deciding whether to keep an item, consider whether it goes with other things in your closet. If you can’t think of at least three things you could wear it with, it’s probably not worth keeping.
Closet purging can be a daunting task, but it’s also a great way to make space in your closet, simplify your wardrobe, and make getting dressed in the morning a breeze. You can purge your closet like a pro and create a more organized and functional wardrobe by following these tips.