The vanity is wear all the magic happens! I got my pretty, white vanity from Ikea for $299. I customized it by getting prettier knobs for the drawers. All the clear containers are all from ebay or Marshall’s. I like the clear storage because I can easily see what’s in there and not waste time looking for things. There is a drawer in the front of the vanity divided into 3 sections. I have things organized with eyeshadows in one section; mascaras, liners, and eyebrow products in the middle; and blush, highlighters, and bronzers in the last one. I have various skin care items in the top left drawer and liquid lipsticks in the top right.
I adore this vanity, but you can make more custom ones by DIY-ing it, even with Ikea products. I recently upgraded my stool to a nice, pink one from Target (link). It is taller than my old one and just looks more put together. I love it! Homerun for Target yet again.
where did you get that straightener???
It’s by Eva NYC! They have a matching hair dryer, too!
It is so cute!